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A Community of Young Leaders

An organization responsible for facilitating conferences and activities directed towards young professionals; in response to the ongoing need to unite the corporate and human aspects through universal values. NOVUS exists to gather and equip young leaders across cultures and backgrounds. We wish to build a community that collaborates in order to make great leaders happen.

Right Thought + Right Action = Coherent Leadership


What good is the accumulation of knowledge, without a defined purpose and the right set of values?

We wish to make great leaders happen, through the call to right action and renewed coherence within every leader’s personal and professional life.

We build and provide a platform that allows like-minded individuals to connect and have access to valuable tools through:

  • Conferences
  • Discussion Groups
  • Social Action
  • Networking
  • Mentoring


We hope to plant seeds in each person, enrich, and fulfill our purpose of being not just good leaders, but great individuals. 

The Whole Person

NOVUS looks to help young leaders sharpen their potential and become integrated human beings.

Doing the Right Thing Now

It is easy to do something when you feel like doing it - emotions can be powerful motivators. It is considerably harder to do something for no other reason than the simple fact that you know it is the right thing to do. But remember: It is always the right time to do what is right. Always.

Past Events at MATCH